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Kylianne Farrell

Kylianne Farrell

Kylianne is an ecotherapist, counsellor, fitness industry educator and presenter, personal trainer, mental health first aid instructor, mental health advocate, and founder of the Move For Mental Health Initiative.

Kylianne is a big believer that with a connection to self, others and nature comes the hope for recovery by feeling a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Her mission is to educate and empower people with the tools to create opportunities for powerful forces of growth to overcome physical, emotional and mental challenges. Guiding people to find protective and coping strategies to boost mental wellbeing and reduce the symptoms of mental illness, using nature, play, education, community, movement, adventure and exploration.

Kylianne has now raised over $100,000 for Gidget Foundation Australia through her Move 4 Mental Health Cape to Cape hikes.

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