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A self-care worksheet for expectant and new parents

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Now more than ever we need to put in place some self-care! With COVID-19 affecting all of us in various ways, now is a good time to re-group and continue on with some new ideas to help get you through.

Self-care as a concept sometimes gets a bit of a bad rap. Some people think it's selfish or indulgent but in fact it’s quite the opposite.

Looking after ourselves is a way to take some responsibility for our own health and helps us: maintain our focus, make better decisions, think more clearly, reduce stress, get organised, lift our mood, lessen anxiety and then have the energy to be able to look after others as well. It helps us to feel more settled, strong and physically well too.

Self-care helps us look after our body, mind and soul all at once. There is a direct relationship between self-care and wellbeing. It helps us find some balance, happiness and connection. If we can lead by example and show our children how to take care of ourselves then they too, learn how to do so, which increases their resilience and strategies to manage life’s stresses. It sets a clear example of how to manage themselves. This does not mean not reaching out to others, as that also is part of knowing what you need and looking after ourselves and each other. Seeking support is crucial especially at the moment.

Self-care worksheet

Now more than ever we need to put in place some self-care! With COVID-19 affecting all of us in various ways, now is a good time to re-group and continue on with some new ideas to help get you through.Self-care as a concept sometimes gets a bit of a bad rap. Some people think its selfish or indulgent but in fact it’s quite the opposite.Looking after ourselves is a way to take some responsibility for our own health and helps us:maintain our focus, make better decisions, think more clearly, reduce stress, get organised, lift our mood, lessen anxiety and then have the energy to be able to look after others as well. It helps us to feel more settled, strong and physically well too.Self-care helps us look after our body, mind and soul all at once. There is a direct relationship between self-care and wellbeing.It helps us find some balance, happiness and connection. If we can lead by example and show our children how to take care of ourselves then they too, learn how to do so, which increases their resilience and strategies to manage life’s stresses. It sets a clear example of how to manage themselves. This does not mean not reaching out to others, as that also is part of knowing what you need and looking after ourselves and each other. Seeking support is crucial especially at the moment.

Step 1

in self-care is identifying what you normally do to cope with life stresses. It can be useful to list all the strategies you use and see if they are helpful or unhelpful. Try not to be too hard on yourself and be as honest as you can. Life is challenging right now.

Step 2

is to work out what you need right now to feel better eg: reduce the sense of isolation, move more, connect with friends.

Step 3

is to identity what you can change now to include more self-care strategies eg: schedule a set time for self-care each day, turn off screens at night 1 hour before bed, talk to your partner and children about what you need

Step 4

With a focus on the more helpful strategies, find your 3 favourites and put them down in the following weekly schedule and see if you can stick to the plan. Reflect and assess at the end of each week.

Did you get to do them? If yes, did it feel better doing them

If no, consider why not, maybe you need to change how/when/what you did.Make a new plan for the following week and again review at the end of the week.

Add in some new self-care ideas to create some interest and increase motivation.

Need urgent help?

1300 726 306
Mon-Fri 9.00am to 7.30pm (AEST)

13 11 14
Helpline is open 24 hours/day

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